TygaPay For WooCommerce

How to install the TygaPay plugin for WooCommerce to start your fast and simple cryptocurrency payments today.

Attention: Before you continue make sure that you have your TygaPay Api credentials.

Contact us here and we will gladly set you up.

1. Install the TygaPay plugin for WooCommerce

  • Download the latest plugin zip file: Download Here
  • Within your Wordpress admin section navigate to "Plugins".
  • Click "Add new".
  • Then click "Upload Plugin".
  • Now click "Choose file" and upload the plugin zip file you downloaded.
  • Make sure you click "Activate" after the installation has been completed.

2. Confirm that the TygaPay plugin has been enabled

  • Within your Wordpress admin section navigate to "WooCommerce".
  • Click "Settings".
  • Then click the "Payments" tab at the top.
  • Ensure that the payment method for TygaPay Gateway is enabled.

3. Lastly enter your TygaPay Api credentials

  • Following on from step 2 click "Manage" next to TygaPay Gateway.
  • Enter the "Live Api Key" provided by the TygaPay team.
  • And the "Live Secret" provided by the TygaPay team.
  • Click "Save changes" and you are ready to go.

TygaPay WooCommerce Walkthrough